引用本文: 郭锋,万泉,翟铁民,等.我国公共卫生投入保障机制研究[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(11):21-23.[点击复制] GUO Feng,WAN Quan,ZHAI Tie-min,et al.Research on the Guarantee Mechanism of Public Health Input in China[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(11):21-23.[点击复制]
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(国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心 北京 100044)
关键词:  卫生筹资  公共卫生投入机制  财政投入
Research on the Guarantee Mechanism of Public Health Input in China
GUO Feng,WAN Quan,ZHAI Tie-min,ZHAI pei-pei,LI yan,LI tao
(China National Health Development Research Center, Beijing, 100044 , China)
Objective: It systematically analyzed the present situation, existing difficulties and problems of China's public health input guarantee system, and put forward relevant suggestions to improve China's public health input guarantee mechanism. Methods: Time series analysis was used to evaluate the changes of level and structural of goverment's public health input. Combined with literature research, interviews with key insiders, expert consultation, etc., the difficulties and problems of public health input in China were analyzed. Results: The government's input in public health is increasing, but there are still some difficulties and challenges, such as the stable public health input mechanism has not been established, the compensation mechanism is still not perfect, and the overall level is still far behind that of developed countries. Conclusion: In view of the difficulties and challenges existing in China's public health input guarantee mechanism, it is necessary to build a financing strategy with the government as the main body, the society as the supplement, and individuals taking certain responsibilities, and further improve the government's public health input growth mechanism to promote the establishment of a new operating mechanism for public health service providers.
Key words:  health financing  public health input mechanism  financial input

