引用本文: 蒋明珠,应晓华,马海峰,等.我国二类疫苗集中采购程序及核心要素分析[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(11):17-20,23.[点击复制] JIANG Ming-zhu,YING Xiao-hua,MA Hai-feng,et al.Study on the Centralized Procurement Procedures and Core Elements of the Non-Immunization Program Vaccines[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(11):17-20,23.[点击复制]
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(复旦大学公共卫生学院 上海 200032)
关键词:  二类疫苗集中采购  采购程序  核心要素
Study on the Centralized Procurement Procedures and Core Elements of the Non-Immunization Program Vaccines
JIANG Ming-zhu,YING Xiao-hua,MA Hai-feng,TANG jin-yan,GUO ai-ling
(School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032 , China)
Objective: To analyze the basic policy texts of centralized procurement of non-immunization program vaccines, reveal the main procedures and core elements of vaccine procurement, and propose optimization suggestions. Methods: The content analysis method is used to conduct word frequency statistics and co-occurrence network construction. Combined with the comparative analysis method, the commonalities and differences in the procurement of non-immunization program vaccines in different regions are summarized. Results: The centralized procurement procedures for non-immunization program vaccines include planning, selection and implement. It involves 17 core elements including procurement catalogs, vaccine announcement, and vaccine reception. Among them, the centralized procurement cycle is mainly 1 year, and most vaccine quotation is based on reference of the surrounding provinces, the evaluation is mainly on expert review. Conclusion: The centralized procurement procedures and frameworks of the non-immunization program vaccines are consistent, and the procurement environment tends to be open and standardized. The monitoring and evaluation of the non-immunization program vaccines should be improved, the selection criteria should be deepened, and the evaluation talent team should be improved to promote the healthy development of the vaccine procurement.
Key words:  non-immunization program vaccine centralized procurement  procurement process  core element

