引用本文: 姚奕婷,张远妮,徐泽宇,等.广东省工伤康复服务项目支付标准比较研究*[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(9):55-59.[点击复制] Yao Yiting,Zhang Yuanni,Xu Zeyu,et al.Research on the Comparison of the Payment Standards of Injury Rehabilitation Service Projects in Guangdong Province[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(9):55-59.[点击复制]
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(南方医科大学南方医院 广州 510515 ;南方医科大学卫生与健康管理研究院 广州 510515;浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 杭州 310000;南方医科大学卫生管理学院 广州 510515;广东省工伤康复中心 广州 510440;广州中医药大学第一附属医院 广州 510405;中山大学附属第一医院 广州 510080;南方医科大学珠江医院 广州 510282)
目的:分析广东省工伤康复服务项目开展情况,分析《广东省工伤康复服务项目及 2008版工伤康复(试行)》 支付标准与现行基本医疗服务项目中的物理治疗与康复类医疗服务项目比价关系,为科学制定工伤保险基金支付政策提供依据。方法:通过调查问卷收集广东省20家工伤康复协议机构项目使用频次、支付标准,逐一进行目录和项目价格匹配,分析价格水平。结果:14.89%的工伤康复服务项目未开展,工伤康复项目规范未动态调整;支付标准偏低,大部分地市同一服务项目,基本医疗服务价格高于工伤支付标准。结论:建议建立工伤康复服务项目支付标准与基本医疗服务项目比价库;形成具有工伤康复特点的价格形成和调整机制,逐步理顺比价关系;动态调整工伤康复服务项目规范目录。
关键词:  工伤康复服务项目  支付标准  比价关系  广东
Research on the Comparison of the Payment Standards of Injury Rehabilitation Service Projects in Guangdong Province
Yao Yiting,Zhang Yuanni,Xu Zeyu,Zou Liai,Huang Guangcheng,Peng Hao,Deng Wenhua,Huang Shaoyu,Ye Suna,Xie Shuping,Xiao Ping,Deng Jie
(Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515 , China ;Health and Health Management Institute, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515 , China)
Objective: To analyze the development of in Guangdong Province, analyze the ratio relationship with the 2008 payment standards and the price levels of physical therapy and rehabilitation medical services projects so as to formulate price policies for rehabilitation service projects. Methods: The frequency of use and payment standards of projects consistent matching the basic medical requirement in 20 work-related injury rehabilitation agreement institutions were collected by questionnaires. Results: 14.89 %items of work-related injury rehabilitation services have not been carried out. Industrial injury rehabilitation project specifications have not been dynamically adjusted from 2013 and the payment standard in most cities is lower than the price of basic medical service. Conclusion: It is recommended to establish a price comparison database for work-related injury rehabilitation service items and medical service price items; form a price formation and adjustment mechanism with work-related injury rehabilitation characteristics; improve the price comparison relationship and promise the dynamic adjustment standardization of industrial injury rehabilitation service projects.
Key words:  work-related injury rehabilitation service projects  payment standards  price comparison relationship  Shandong

