引用本文: 朱致旭,彭宇欣,严俊涛,等.基于EQ-5D-5L量表的甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者生命质量及其影响因素分析*[J].中国卫生经济,2023,42(10):50-54.[点击复制] Zhu Zhixu,Peng Yuxin,Yan Juntao,et al.Evaluation of Life Quality of Thyroid Nodules/Tumors Patients and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors Based on EQ-5D-5L Scale[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2023,42(10):50-54.[点击复制]
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(复旦大学公共卫生学院 上海 200032 ;国家卫生健康委员会卫生技术评估重点实验室 (复旦大学)上海 200032)
目的:评价甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者生命质量现状并分析其影响因素,为改善甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者的生命质量提供参考建议。方法:使用欧洲五维健康 (EQ-5D-5L) 量表并采用线上调查的形式对符合纳入排除标准的甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者进行调查,采用单因素方差分析和多水平线性回归分析影响因素。结果:甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者健康效用值均值为 (0.708± 0.298),健康状况自评问卷与视觉模拟标尺评分 (EQ Visual analogue scale,EQ-VAS) 均值为 (65.45±27.82) 分,性别、年龄、户籍类型、婚姻状态、家庭平均年收入、颈部暴露史、甲状腺癌家族史、结节/肿瘤性质对甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者健康效用值和EQ-VAS量表的影响,差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.05)。结论:甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者生命质量偏低,应综合考虑影响生命质量的各种因素,提升患者生理机能和心理弹性,改善甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者的生命质量。
关键词:  甲状腺结节/肿瘤患者  EQ-5D-5L  生命质量
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (72004028)
Evaluation of Life Quality of Thyroid Nodules/Tumors Patients and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors Based on EQ-5D-5L Scale
Zhu Zhixu,Peng Yuxin,Yan Juntao,Chen Yingyao,Wei Yan
Objective: To evaluate the current status of quality of life among patients with thyroid nodules/tumors and analyze itsinfluencing factors, in order to provide reference suggestions for improving the life quality of these patients.Methods: An online sur-vey was conducted using the EQ-5D-5L scale to investigate patients with thyroid nodules/tumors who met the inclusion and exclusioncriteria.One-way ANOVA and multi-level linear regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors.Results: The meanhealth utility value of patients with thyroid nodules/tumors was 0.708±0.298, and the mean EQ-VAS score was 65.45±27.82.Gender,age, household registration type, marital status, average annual household income, neck exposure history, family history of thyroid can-cer, and the nature of nodules/tumors had a statistically significant impact on the health utility value and EQ-VAS scale of patientswith thyroid nodules/tumors(P<0.05).Conclusion: The quality of life of patients with thyroid nodules/tumors is poor.Various factorsaffecting the quality of life should be considered comprehensively to enhance the physiological function and psychological resilience ofpatients, and to improve their quality of life.
Key words:  thyroid nodules/tumors  EQ-5D-5L  life quality

