引用本文: 曾雪琴,于伟.化疗患者DIP辅助目录构建研究*[J].中国卫生经济,2023,42(1):37-41,56.[点击复制] ZENG Xue-qin,YU Wei.Study on the Construction of DIP Assisted Catalogue for Chemotherapy Patients[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2023,42(1):37-41,56.[点击复制]
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(西南医科大学人文与管理学院 四川 泸州 646000;西南医科大学附属医院 四川 泸州 646000)
目的:探索化疗患者住院费用病例组合模式,构建按病种分值付费(DIP)辅助目录。方法:收集样本医院 2019—2021年27504例化疗患者信息,采用单因素方差分析、逐步回归分析筛选住院费用的影响因素作为分类节点变量,运用聚类分析和决策树模型进行病例组合,构建化疗患者DIP辅助目录。结果:肿瘤病种、合并与并发症、年龄、肿瘤转移情况作为影响化疗患者住院费用的分类节点,构建20个DIP病种组合方式,绝大部分病例组合的CV值保持在0.6左右,RIV值为 12.51%,组内同质性和组间异质性较好。结论:应用决策树模型进行病例组合,构建的化疗患者DIP辅助目录科学合理,可为化疗患者DIP付费提供参考。
关键词:  化疗患者  按病种分值付费  辅助目录  病例组合  决策树
Study on the Construction of DIP Assisted Catalogue for Chemotherapy Patients
ZENG Xue-qin,YU Wei
Objective: To explore the case mix mode of hospitalization expenses for chemotherapy patients and to construct the big data diagnosis-intervention package (DIP) ssisted catalogue. Methods: The information of 27504 patients undergoing chemotherapy in a hospital from 2019 to 2021 was collected. One-way analysis of variance and stepwise regression analysis were used to screen the influencing factors of hospitalization expenses as classification node variables. Cluster analysis and decision tree model were used to construct DIP assisted catalogue for chemotherapy patients. Results: Tumor types,comorbidities/complications,age,and tumor metastasis were used as the classification nodes affecting the hospitalization cost of chemotherapy patients. 20 DIP disease combinations were constructed. The CV value of most of the case combinations remained around 0.6,and the RIV was 12.51 %,with good intra-group homogeneity and inter-group heterogeneity. Conclusion: Using decision tree model for case combination method to construct DIP assisted catalogue for chemotherapy patients is scientific and reasonable,which can provide references for DIP payment for chemotherapy patients.
Key words:  chemotherapy patients  diagnosis-intervention package  assisted catalogue  case mix  decision tree

