引用本文: 杨刘军.县域医共体提升乡镇卫生院医疗服务能力的作用背景、问题及建议*[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(11):53-56.[点击复制] YANG Liu-jun.Background, Problems and Suggestions of County Medical Community to Improve the Medical Service Capacity of Township Health Centers Based on the Perspective of Dynamic Capability Theory[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(11):53-56.[点击复制]
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(中国人民大学医改研究中心.中国人民大学公共管理学院北京 100872)
关键词:  县域医疗共同体  乡镇卫生院  医疗服务能力提升  动态能力理论
Background, Problems and Suggestions of County Medical Community to Improve the Medical Service Capacity of Township Health Centers Based on the Perspective of Dynamic Capability Theory
YANG Liu-jun
(Medical Reform Research Center/School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872 , China)
Objective: Based on exploring the role background of county medical community in the improvement of medical service capacity of township health centers, it summarized and analyzed the practical problems of the improvement of medical service capacity of township health centers, so as to anchor the current situation of the improvement of medical service capacity of township health centers. Methods: From the perspective of dynamic ability theory, combined with subject research and literature review, the social background and problems in the long-term development of township health centers in China were reviewed and summarized. Results: The improvement of medical service ability of township health centers was in the environment of social comprehensive system, showing a dynamic and changeable ability development trend, which was in line with the theoretical logic of dynamic ability theory. Conclusion: In order to improve the medical service capacity of township health centers, it needed to strategically do a good job in the top-level design, combined with the social system background of different township health centers, adjust measures to local conditions, do a good job in the dynamic monitoring of the improvement of medical service capacity of township health centers, make timely policy adjustment, and promote the dynamic and steady improvement of medical service capacity of township health centers.
Key words:  county medical community  township health center  improvement of medical service capacity  dynamic capability theory

