引用本文: 吴勤德,赵梓钧,谢贤宇,等.基于PMC指数模型的我国DRG收付费改革政策文本分析[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(11):8-12.[点击复制] WU De-qin,ZHAO Zi-jun,XIE Xian-yu,et al.Evaluation of DRG Payment Reform Policy in China Based on PMC Index Model[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(11):8-12.[点击复制]
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(1.福建医科大学附属协和医院福州 350001 2.福州大学人文社会科学学院福州 350108)
关键词:  按疾病诊断相关分组  医保收付费改革政策  政策文本分析  PMC指数
Evaluation of DRG Payment Reform Policy in China Based on PMC Index Model
WU De-qin,ZHAO Zi-jun,XIE Xian-yu,WU yong,ZHENG qiang,CHEN yan-ling
(First-author's address Fujian Medical University Union Hospital, Fuzhou, 350001 , China)
Objective: To evaluate the policy text of DRG payment reform in China, identify the core content and policy deviation, and provide theoretical support and decision-making basis for the optimization of DRG payment reform policy. Methods: Based on text mining and statistical analysis, the PMC index model is constructed to quantitatively evaluate the six representative DRG payment reform policies in China from 2019 to 2022. Results: Among these six policies, three are excellent and three are good. Conclusion: It is necessary to comprehensively consider the requirements of different policy areas, carry out various reforms related to the payment reform according to local conditions, different policy receptors and the actual situation in various regions. Policy-making departments should pay attention to policy incentives in policy formulation, fully mobilize the initiative of policy receptors to participate in DRG payment reform, and improve the efficiency of DRG payment reform.
Key words:  Diagnosis Related Group  medical insurance payment reform policy  policy text analysis  PMC Index

