引用本文: 梅子鸿,刘婵娟.2012—2020年我国基层医疗资源配置效率分析[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(10):54-58.[点击复制] Mei Zihong,Liu Chanjuan.Analysis on the Resource Allocation Efficiency of Primary Care in China from 2012 to 2020 Based on DEA Model[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(10):54-58.[点击复制]
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(温州医科大学 浙江 温州 325035)
目的:通过对我国基层医疗资源进行分析评价,为我国进一步优化卫生资源配置提供科学的实证依据。方法: 采用DEA-BBC模型和DEA-Malmquist对数据进行静态和动态分析。结果:我国基层医疗资源总量呈上升趋势,但还存在规模效率不足、规模投入不平衡问题;基层医疗资源配置效率整体呈下降趋势,技术进步成为限制全要素生产效率的关键因素; 基层医疗配置效率表现为我国中部最优,东部次之,西部最后。结论:政府在加大对基层医疗卫生机构资源规模投入的同时,也需要积极探寻适合当地的发展规模。在此过程中,要不断加强技术革新、组织管理体制改善以及基层卫生人员的培养,从而推动基层医疗资源优化,提升基层医疗技术水平,形成优质的基层医疗服务,最终达到合理的卫生资源配置效率。
关键词:  基层医疗卫生机构  卫生资源配置效率  数据包络分析
Analysis on the Resource Allocation Efficiency of Primary Care in China from 2012 to 2020 Based on DEA Model
Mei Zihong,Liu Chanjuan
(Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, 325035 , China)
Objective: To provide a scientific empirical basis for further optimizing the allocation of health resources in China by analyzing and evaluating the primary health resources in China. Methods: Based on Data Envelope Analysis(DEA), the primary health and health resources in China from 2012 to 2020 were analyzed and evaluated, and the DATA was statically and dynamically analyzed using the DEA-BBC model and DEA-Malmquist. Results: The total amount of primary health resources in China showed an upward trend, but there were still problems such as insufficient scale efficiency and unbalanced scale input; the overall allocation efficiency of primary health resources showed a downward trend, and technological progress became a key factor restricting the progress of all factor production factors; the efficiency of primary health allocation was optimal in the central part, followed by the eastern region, and the last in the western region. Conclusion: While increasing the scale of resources for primary health institutions, the government also needs to actively explore the scale of health care suitable for local development. In this process, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the innovation of technology, the improvement of the organizational management system and the training of grass-roots health personnel, so as to promote the optimization of grass-roots health resources, improve the level of primary health technology, form high-quality primary health services, and finally achieve reasonable resource allocation efficiency.
Key words:  primary health facilities  health resource allocation efficiency  DEA model

