引用本文: 吴腾燕,付亚群,赵婧雨,等.政策工具视角下我国省级基本公共卫生服务补助资金管理政策分析*[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(10):1-6.[点击复制] Wu Tengyan,Fu Yaqun,Zhao Jingyu,et al.Analysis on Provincial Management Policies for Funding of Basic Public Health Services from the Perspective of Policy Tools[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(10):1-6.[点击复制]
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(广西医科大学信息与管理学院 南宁 530021;北京大学公共卫生学院 北京 100191)
目的:全面分析我国省级基本公共卫生补助资金管理政策现状,并针对可能存在的问题提出相应的政策建议, 以期为优化补助资金管理提供科学参考。方法:采用质性研究的开放式编码方法对我国省级出台的24份基本公共卫生补助资金管理政策进行编码,并基于供给型、需求型和环境型政策工具分析框架进行量化分析。结果:省级基本公共卫生补助资金管理政策在发文时间和地区分布上存在差异,部分省份的政策文本未及时更新,政策工具的运用呈现偏环境型、轻需求型特点。结论:各省份应因地制宜和与时俱进地制定资金管理政策不断优化政策工具的运用比例,积极构建统筹化、精细化和可持续性的资金管理策略。
关键词:  基本公共卫生服务补助资金  资金管理  政策文本量化分析
Analysis on Provincial Management Policies for Funding of Basic Public Health Services from the Perspective of Policy Tools
Wu Tengyan,Fu Yaqun,Zhao Jingyu,Yang Li
(School of Information and Management, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, 530021 , China)
Objective: To analyze the current situation of provincial management policies for funding of basic public health service, and put forward corresponding policy suggestions for the possible problems, and provide scientific reference for optimizing management of funding. Methods: It uses the open coding method of qualitative research to code 24 provincial management policies for funding of basic public health service, and carry out the quantitative analysis based on the analysis framework of supply, demand and environment policy tools. Results: There are differences in issuing time and regional distribution of provincial management policies for funding of basic public health service, and some policy texts have not been updated in time, the use of policy tools is characterized by environment-oriented and demand-ignored. Conclusion: Each province should draft management policy for funding according to local conditions and keep pace with the times, constantly optimize the proportion of using on policy tools, and build an integrated, refined and sustainable management strategy for funding.
Key words:  basic public health service subsidy funding  management for funding  quantitative analysis of policy texts

