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李文君,孙经杰,商茜茜,等.基于“SHA 2011”的山东省中老年骨质疏松治疗费用情况与分析*[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(9):41-45.[点击复制] |
Li Wenjun,Sun Jingjie,Shang Xixi,et al.Cost Accounting and Analysis of Osteoporosis Treatment in Middle-aged and Elderly in Shandong Province Based on SHA 2011[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(9):41-45.[点击复制] |
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基于“SHA 2011”的山东省中老年骨质疏松治疗费用情况与分析* |
李文君,孙经杰,商茜茜,崔凤环,孙舒悦,欧阳筱瑶,盛森,滕文杰,井淇 |
(潍坊医学院公共卫生学院 山东 潍坊 261053 ;“健康山东”重大社会风险预测与治理协同创新中心山东 潍坊 261053;山东省卫生健康委医管中心 济南 250012;潍坊医学院管理学院 山东 潍坊 261053;潍坊医学院基础医学院公共课教研部 山东 潍坊 261053) |
摘要: |
目的:分析山东省骨质疏松治疗费用规模、人群分布、机构流向、筹资来源等状况与特征,为完善其防治政策等提供参考依据。方法:基于“卫生费用核算体系2011”进行核算和分析。结果:2019年山东省50岁及以上中老年人骨质疏松治疗费用为425996.92万元,占山东省总治疗费用的15.10%;从骨折部位分类来看,居于前3位骨折部位分别是“髋骨(股骨)”“骨盆、髋臼、腰椎、坐骨骨折”“髌骨、腓骨、胫骨、踝骨骨折”,其治疗费用合计占比为60.26%;其治疗费用主要流向医院;家庭卫生支出总额为210972.39万元,是治疗费用的主要筹资来源,其占比为49.52%。结论:将预防关口前移,提高骨质疏松症相关知晓率和筛查率;重点防治髋骨骨折,基于具体部位制定精细报销策略;夯实分级诊疗基础,强化基层医疗机构托底作用;依托分级诊疗制度,合理配置骨质疏松医疗资源;优化筹资方案构成,降低家庭个人支出。 |
关键词: 骨质疏松症 卫生费用核算体系 2011 治疗费用 山东 |
DOI: |
基金项目:国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心 2020年度委托项目“东部地区骨质疏松费用核算与分析研究”;国家自然科学基金项目(72004165) |
Cost Accounting and Analysis of Osteoporosis Treatment in Middle-aged and Elderly in Shandong Province Based on SHA 2011 |
Li Wenjun,Sun Jingjie,Shang Xixi,Cui Fenghuan,Sun Shuyue,OuYang Xiao Yao,Sheng Sen,Teng Wenjie,Jing Qi |
(Weifang Medical University, Weifang, Shandong, 261053 , China) |
Abstract: |
Objective: To analyze the scale, population distribution, institutional flow and funding sources of osteoporosis(OP) treatment in Shandong Province, so as to provide a reference basis for improving the prevention and treatment policies. Methods: Accounting and analysis based on “A System of Health Cost Accounting 2011". Results: In 2019, the treatment cost of OP for middle-aged and elderly people aged 50 and above in Shandong was 4259.9692 million yuan, accounting for 15.10 %of the total treatment cost in Shandong; According to the classification of fracture sites, the top three fracture sites are "hip (femur)" "pelvis, acetabulum, lumbar spine and sciatic fracture" “patella, fibula, tibia and ankle fracture" , and the total treatment cost accounts for 60.26%; treatment costs mainly flow to hospitals; total household health expenditure was about 2109.7239 million yuan, which was the main source of financing for treatment costs, accounting for 49.52 %. Conclusion: It needs to shift the prevention gate forward to enhance the awareness rate and screening rate related to OP; focus on prevention and treatment of hip fractures, and develop a refined reimbursement strategy based on specific sites; consolidate the foundation of grassroots capacity and strengthen the role of primary medical institutions to support the bottom; rely on the hierarchical diagnosis system to reasonably allocate medical resources for OP; optimize the composition of the funding scheme to reduce individual household expenditures. |
Key words: osteoporosis A System of Health Accounting 2011 treatment cost Shandong |