引用本文: 林坤河,刘宵,钟正东,等.基于分享经济理论的社会办医参与紧密型医共体协同发展研究*[J].中国卫生经济,2022,41(9):5-8.[点击复制] Lin Kunhe,Liu Xiao,Zhong Zhengdong,et al.Research on the Coordinated Development of Private Hospitals Participating in the Close-Type Medical Community from the Perspective of Sharing Economic[J].CHINESE HEALTH ECONOMICS,2022,41(9):5-8.[点击复制]
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(华中科技大学同济医学院医药卫生管理学院武汉 430030;国家医疗保障研究院华科基地 武汉 430030)
目的:社会办医在紧密型医共体建设中仍处于较为模糊的位置,在此背景下分析社会办医与公立医院协同发展需求具有重要意义。方法:本研究以湖北省黄冈市黄州区为例,对紧密型医共体建设下的社会办医发展现状进行分析, 结合分享经济理论探究社会办医参与紧密型医共体的作用。结果:社会办医院从医院数量、人力资源、床位配置等方面都出现了萎缩情况,社会办医院的投资者在运营过程中出现了降低投资消耗的现象。结论:基于分享经济理论,将社会办医参与紧密型医共体进行统筹有助于解决公立医院与社会办医院间的目标异质性、缓解社会办医院发展资源薄弱、减少社会环境的不确定性影响等问题。
关键词:  社会办医  总额预付  紧密型医疗共同体  分享经济
Research on the Coordinated Development of Private Hospitals Participating in the Close-Type Medical Community from the Perspective of Sharing Economic
Lin Kunhe,Liu Xiao,Zhong Zhengdong,Xiong Yingbei,Zhou Jin,Xiang Li
(School of Medicine and Health Management, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430030 , China)
Objective: Private hospitals are still in a vague position in the construction of the close-type medical community. In this context, it is of great significance to analyze the needs for the coordinated development of private hospitals and public hospitals. Methods: Taking Huangzhou District, Huanggang, Hubei of city a as an example, it analyzes the current situation of social medical development under the construction of the close-type medical community, and explores the role of social medical participation in the close-type medical community from the perspective of sharing economics. Results: It is found that private hospitals have shrunk in terms of hospital number, human resources and bed allocation, and private hospital investors have reduced investment consumption in the process of operation. Conclusion: From the perspective of sharing economy, it is found that the participation of private hospitals in the close-type medical community is helpful to solve the target heterogeneity between public hospitals and private hospitals, alleviate the weak development resources of social hospitals, and reduce the uncertain impact of social environment.
Key words:  private hospital  total budget  close-type medical community  sharing economy

